26 April 2011

Happy anniversary ...

It's our wedding anniversary today - not just any old annivesary mind you but a BIG one, an ENORMOUS one even.  It's 25 years ... yep 25 years, if that doesn't freak you out nothing will ... 25 years, a whole quarter of a century.  I'm not going to say it has been a bliss filled two and a half decades, we have had our ups and downs, some years more downs than ups but it hasn't been all bad, in fact a lot of it has been pretty good.  We have two beautiful children and as lives go I think we have been successful and relatively fulfilled.

So here's to 25 my dear and as Paul Sweeney said A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.

A Ferrari fan ...

The April challenge on Scrap the Boys is to get inspired by an outfit that your son or husband wears to create a layout - You need to use the photo of the outfit (obviously being worn by your son or hubby) inspiration could be the colours, patterns, textures etc...

There were so many tees and tops in photos I could have used but eventually I settled on using a cap ds was very keen on (and still is).  I used a transparency as my solid base and also as an overlay on the photo and then layered paper in the same colourways adding Ferrari embellishment to complete the page.

25 April 2011

Anzac Day and Easter Monday ...

It's the 25th of April - Anzac Day and the Monday of the Easter long weekend.

It's wet, it's cool ... so what do you do on a day like today.

1.  You remember men who fought and gave their lives in the name of freedom and democracy and doing what was right.  You remember those that came home but still are tormented by what they did and what they saw.  You hope that someday we will all wake up and realise doing what these brave men and woman did isn't the answer.

2.  You buy fish and chips for lunch cause it's cold and it seems like a great idea.  You sit as a family and watch Wallace and Grommet because it is about rabbits and after all it is Easter.  You have a couple of quiet hours chuckling and feeling good about life.

3.  You do some work in the study which you share with dh and you listen to some good music.

23 April 2011

April showers ...

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and Scrap the Girls is using this beautiful image as it's Picture Inspiration for the April challenge ....

I loved the muted colours of this image - the soft use of blues and yellows and was also drawn to the large focal umbrella.

22 April 2011

Krafting It Up in April ...

I always enjoy playing along with the monthly challenge over on Kraft It Up.  April is a little different this time around ... 


Is a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 challenge, you must create a layout based on the following...

1 piece of Kraft cardstock
2 photos smaller than 6x4
3 different Alphas
4 different patterned papers (yes you can use the reverse side of one sheet as long as the pattern is different)
5 different embellishments

** Paint, Mists, Distressing and any other technique based creating are not classed as embellishments, you can still use these of course but they do not count as your 5 embellishments, you need to think chipboard, ribbon, twine, journal blocks, flowers, buttons, jewels/bling, pins, tapes, stickers, handmade embellishments, paper clips, lace, tabs, diecuts etc...

Here is my rendition.

16 April 2011

Clock not so wise ...

Kids really do say the funniest things at times.

It is sort of a family tradition when we occasionally get one of these ..

to sit around the table and take turns to scratch off an icon in the hope of winning it big someday.  We never have (I think $10 has been our largest earnings) but it is a fun filled 15 minutes spent as a family.  There is much gnashing of teeth as we get tantalising close (or fail dismally).  We did this activity today, all sat down at the table.  Hubby with scratchy in front of him, coins at the ready. 

I'm going next says ds sitting on the left side of dh.

We're going clockwise say dh.

Oh say ds disappointment oozing out of every pore.

That means you, you dufuss says dd - eyes raised to the ceiling and pained expression on face.

Oh says ds - beaming !!